Art Therapy
Creative Counseling for Healthy Living, PLLC is excited to offer art therapy services under supervision to clients. Art Therapy is an excellent vehicle for mental health care for individuals who are curious, willing to invest in themselves, and tap into their own intuition in order to resolve a presenting issue, or continue growing in the various roles they play for a life that is both authentic and meaningful.
Art is for everybody. Not just for kids, not just for the professionals. And also there is not one way to engage in art therapy. Try it and see for yourself how art can enrich your life and provide you tools for optimal mental health and wellness.
Just as Glinda stated in the Wizard of Oz, "We doubt our power, we doubt our abilities. But what we don't realize is that we've had the power all along."
For more information about art therapy practices visit American Art Therapy Association.

Art Therapy can look like this:
Discovering the ongoing stories of our lives through art making and what they have to tell us. Taking authorship or artistic license to create the life that feels authentic and meaningful.

Like this:
Dropping into the experience of our emotional life through color and form, letting the paper catch it for us. Art Therapy can provide a reflective distance so we can make sense of our experiences; make order from what may feel like chaos.

Or even like this:
Creating more embodied practices via mark making whether it's mapping our kinesthetic or sensory experience of the here and now.