Creative Counseling for Healthy Living, LLC turns one today! I couldn't be happier or more grateful for all the amazing experiences and people that have come my way as a result of starting this little business of mine. It doesn't feel so different as when a baby celebrates that one year milestone. Creative Counseling for Healthy Living started as an idea, a passion to connect and help others, a jar stuffed with dollar bills and loose change, is now a growing, moving, entity all its own.
First time parents may especially be able to relate to the learning curve it takes to find a routine, become attuned to their child's temperament, and find their personal parenting style. Parents grow just as much as their child does! I'm celebrating today all the things I've learned over the course of the last year owning and managing a business, and all the awesomeness I've gotten to witness from clients' growth to people connecting with people. It's so beautiful!
It's true that it takes a village, and I am so grateful for mine. My family and friends who have been there since the start mean the world to me. Along the way I have connected with so many amazing inspiring people, from the entrepreneurs sharing working space at COWORKQC, the mentors and community at Lead(h)er, the dear, sweet couple I rent my office from treat my children like their own grandchildren, The Daring Wayâ„¢ community, and my clients who have taken a chance and have invited me to connect with them. My heart is full. Thank you to my spouse for your unending willingness and support to take a perfectly stable, comfortable work situation and risk it to grow something truly, personally, moving.
One year is so young! I am so excited for all that is to come. I have big ideas and plans for Creative Counseling for Healthy Living. Knowing I survived this first year of vulnerability, learning, trying, failing, trying again, makes me believe I can and WILL continue learning, failing, growing, connecting. The comfort zone is ... well comfortable, but pushing for growth and connection is so much more rewarding and meaningful. Won't you join me?
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